Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday's Five

Today and yesterday have been pretty normal days.

I've checked my documents parcel and it has left NZ and is flying its way to Korea right now. I'm hoping I get to book my own flights and that my visa will get done in time for me to spend a week in Seoul by myself before having to go to Pyeongtaek and start work. If I end up having heaps of time, I'd take an over-night stop over somewhere too, just so I can sleep. I am woefully bad at sleeping on aeroplanes, much to my own disappointment. I always arrive feeling sleepy and disgusting - totally not the state I want to meet all my new co-workers in. I've ready many stories of newly arrived English teachers being whisked off to eat and hang out with their bosses and co-teachers straight off the plane. This sounds horrible! All I ever want to do after flying is shower and sleep. So, I'm thinking if I can arrive at least a little bit early, go to a hotel near the airport, sleep, freshen up, and THEN go through all the new job hooha, I'll feel much better. If I can't then no worries, but it'd certainly be my preference!

1) Brook and I went to see that last Harry Potter movie last night. I really enjoyed it! I think the last two were my favourites, they had pretty good acting and special effects. They have certainly come a long way since the first one!!

2) I'm counting down my last days of work. I've let everyone know that next week is my last week, and I'm all but crossing the days off the calendar. It's not because I don't like the work - I do - it's just once I've made a decision to move on, I just want to get on with it. Change is exciting... and don;t you always want what you don't have? When I had no work I was desperately bored and wanted work, now two months later I'm looking forward to no work for a month :) I'm going to need to work on loving what I have.

3) I saw a very cute jack russell puppy today. It made me think of Jessie, the best dog in the world. If I can, while in Korea, I would like to five fostering animals a go. It's where you look after an abandoned animal while they look for a new 'proper' home for it. I love animals, and it might be a really good alternative to having a pet. Or it might suck, I'll see.

4) There's some new teachers at work who a really nice. One huge bonus to going in to work each day is having other teachers to talk to. I never realised fully how solitary thesis writing was. Now I get to see and talk to people every day, and it's pretty cool.

5) I have a super secret surprise planned for Brook on the weekend. We're doing his birthday then because I'll be gone by the time his comes around in late August (probably). So, I've got something I think he'll really liked lined up for Saturday night, and then I'm making him a nice dinner on Sunday.

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