Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday's five

Well, today has been a very nice Sunday. Nothing spectacular, but simply pleasant in an enjoyable way :)

1) I had a lovely lunch with mum, dad, and Matt. The food was seriously mediocre, but the company was great.

2) As I was driving back to Browns Bay I drove through one heck of a rain storm. It was so heavy I had to put the wipers on full and drove at 50k/h. This wasn't so great, but the sun was shining in from the other direction and made an amazing rainbow. So there was sun, dark, dark clouds, pelting rain, and a rainbow. I'm sure that's got some super-deep message in it somewhere, but I just thought it was pretty.

3) I was able to get a park right by the door to the supermarket. It was packed, and I just lucked out, but it was neat. Also, I did all my shopping using just bags, so I was able to skip merrily past all the people lugging trolleys. Yes, I felt superior.

4) I made roast chicken for dinner, with potatoes, carrot, and garlic bread. Nice winter food.

5) I got all my lesson planning done for the week.

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