Monday, July 25, 2011

Picnic on the floor Monday

1) It was Brook's turn to cook dinner tonight, but because he is a lazy bum, he bought it. We ended up having roast chicken and potatoes on the floor of the study, heater going full bore. It was pretty fun! It's so cold tonight, so being shut in this small room with the heater on seems like a good option. However, every time I say that 'it's so cold', I think 'holy crap, this in NOTHING compared to how cold Korea will get'. Everyone tells me it's not so bad though, because their buildings are all built with the cold in mind, whereas ours are a bit crappy in that regard. Well, I sure hope they're built to be warm, or else I'll be cuddling my hot water bottle 24/7. And yes, I will be taking it with me.

2) Had a great day teaching-wise today. The students were well behaved and participated well, we had some good class discussions and I felt effective. Not much more I could ask for really.

3) I made home made hummus and took it to work with some carrot sticks for morning tea today and it was really yum! I never need to buy hummus again - it's so easy to make, and so tasty!

4) I met a couple of my old students outside school today, and they had heard I was going to Korea. There were both Korean, and one had worked in Pyeontaek and Songtan before. They told me that Pyeongtaek is famous in Korea for having delicious rice, and that it was a nice place. Woohoo for delicious rice!

5) I'm just overall happy for no one in particular reason.

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