Friday, July 1, 2011

Six-dollar pants Friday

Woohoo! Today has been awesome!

1) I couriered off my documents to be apostilled. It was such a relief, I ate 5-6 black-forest Tim-Tams. Seriously though, I'm very pleased to be in the final stage of this lot of document processing and one step closer to Korea.

2) I had a long interview with that school in Korea. The job looked great on paper - In Bucheon, from 12pm-7pm, elementary level, nice Christian school. During the interview, however, I find out it's kindergarten, in Seoul, god knows what hours, and the Christian part is HARD-CORE. Like it's in the contract that you have to go to church, and you are not allowed to smoke or drink at all, ever, and you have to attend prayer meetings, and if you criticise the school or the administration, they can fire you on the spot. Also, they seemed to think *I* was a hard-core Christian, because they wanted to hire me, but first I had to write a one page testimonial about how I became a Christian and how much I love God and Jesus. So, while this was interesting, and it makes it onto the top five because they wanted to hire me, I've declined the offer.
This isn't my scarf, but it's similar.

3) I asked my morning class to write down one thing each they liked about my teaching and one thing the didn't. They wrote some very nice things, and the complaints were very mild. They seemed to feel that I was very patient, kind, and good at listening, but that I should do more varied activities and play more games. So, I'm pretty happy with that feedback :) Also, two students from Thailand left today and they gave me a lovely purple silk scarf as a present to say thank you for being their teacher. I actually really like it, and it was so sweet.

4) Went out to a bar with al the boys (and some girls). Had very mediocre calamari for dinner, but Brook had a lovely slightly alcoholic ice-cream slushie thing for dessert. It was Yum with a capital 'Y'. I drank half of it :) Then we played pool. Well, they played pool while I watched. It was a nice way to spend the evening. Plus I got to tell my Christian school of horrors story from above :)

5) Most awesome thing today? The nice second-hand shop in Browns bay is having a closing down sale and I got a great pair of tailored pants for work (grey-brown with light grey+gold stripes) for $6! They fit so well and look pretty nice! I also got a pretty pink top ($3) and a knit hat ($3). So, all in all, $12! I was very happy :)

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