Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday's five

I'm so not keen on work tomorrow. I just know I'm going to end the day exhausted. Good thing I've got Brook to cook me dinner! I feel slightly nervous and tired just thinking about it. *One step at a time*.

1) Drove up to mum and dad's house for lunch today. It was great to see them and tell them about the crazy Christian school interview :) Mum made a lovely seafood chowder and garlic bread.

2) I learned that ants are the only other animal, besides humans, who go to war. They also take prisoners, and herd other insects like cattle. Ants are amazing.

3) I ordered some teaching books from the library. I want to keep learning and applying while I'm fresh and not all jaded like some of the other teachers.

4) We stopped by the pet shop and they had lots of puppies and kittens. They were very cute and I'm extremely glad we can't have pets in our rental house because I'm pretty sure I'd walk away with one one of these days, which would be unwise. One day I want dogs and cats and chickens and horses.

5) I ate a mint tim-tam for dessert and it was lovely. Sometimes, it's the small things.

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