Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday's 5

1) I get to go home 'early' again. Mr B really doesn't realise I come in at 8am every day, so 4pm is my normal finish time. I should learn to come in at 9 on Fridays. Though, the minute I do that, the VP will be here every Friday.

2) I gave the cute little boy who likes to say 'hi' to me some chewing gum. He was so happy!

3) Dinner with Courtney tonight, and two skype dates plus baseball tomorrow.

4) I'm still marking student writing. There's work ranging from
"Ah, so bored. What perform? I'm forget homework. I'm do quickly preparation homework. Okay, this is speak homework, but not exist other men". ~ I think the kid is trying to write about how they need to get their homework done, but it's speaking homework and they have no one to practice with. Maybe.


"A: This t-shirt is dirt cheap! I'll take it.
B: Cash or credit card?
A: I'll pay cash. Here you are.
B: Here is your change. Thank you.
A: I'm as happy as a king!"
~ This one cracked me up! It was great! Hahaha, 'dirt cheap', 'happy as a king', where did she get that?

5) We didn't have bony fish for lunch all week! Every lunch time I said to the lunch god "please, I don't ask for much, just don't make it bony fish again". Thank you lunch god.

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