Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pretty crappy Tuesday

Well. On top of sad life news that I'm not going to write about (suffice to say, July in Japan is NOT happening), Mr. B. just told me he thinks the lesson plan I made for our open class next week is "maybe a little bit boring". Uh huh. He said it has no whole class games or 'sing a song', which apparently makes it boring. It has a video of a guy blending an i-phone, a dog riding a skateboard and a guy who can smash toilet seats with his head - how is that boring? When I asked him what he would like changed, though, he just got confusing and started talking about group leaders and that 7 minutes was too short - seriously, I had no idea what he was trying to say. English was coming out of his mouth, but it made no sense. I said "Mr. B., I don't understand. Do you want me to change the activities?". Then he said "no". Oooookay. He said we can do a run through of the lesson early next week and then change it if need be. That actually is a good plan coming from him.

I just looked through it again, and I think I did a good job. But, I kind of HAVE to think that today, or I might throw up :)

Point in Mr. B.'s favour - he remembered about my airconditioner. He told me last week to make sure I'd taken the cover off it, that that might be why it's not working. I went home and checked, and it didn't have a cover. On Monday morning, he actually remembered and asked me about it! I said that no, it still wasn't working, so now he's organised for a aircon service man to come around tomorrow after school. Originally he wanted me to give him the passcode to my door so the service man could go in at lunchtime today, but after some explanation I got him to understand I didn't want a strange man in my house when I wasn't there. Mr B. thought my problem was that they'd know my passcode, but I don't want people in my house when I'm not there. All my stuff, including laptop and a fair bit of cash is in there. Anyway, it worked out in the end. Apparently they guy will be around after 6pm tomorrow. Hopefully then I'll have some cold air.

Now, because Japan has to be cancelled I need somewhere new to go for my summer break. I will go to Japan, but not now. I could go to a beach resort area of Taiwan, back to Hong Kong (DisneyLand!), or check out Macau. I could go all the way to Thailand or buck up and try the Philippines. Or stay in Korea and visit the East coast. A few people (mainly Koreans) have told me recently how great the east coast is. Today is not the day for these decisions, though :) Maybe staying and exploring Korea is a good idea.

Ok, in the name of continuing wellbeing, here's today's five things. I'm warning you though, they might be a bit pathetic.

1) I enjoyed listening to my music on the bus this morning.

2) Mr. B asked me to write the listening section of the end of semester English tests, so at least I have some work to do.

3) I look really nice today.

4) I'm seeing Courtney for dinner tonight.

5) Today was one of the weirdest days of my life. I'm not sure if the universe is helping or laughing its ass off. Seriously, WTF?

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