Thursday, June 14, 2012

It gets weirder Thursday

What the eff is going on with my life right now? I did not seek any of this out! It's actually really funny if you're not me :D Ok, it's kind of funny to me too. Only I have to deal with feeling constantly ill to my stomach and being able eat about 5 mouthfuls of food before wanting to throw up. Stress is not so good. If I could just skip this shit, that would be great. Anyway, latest interesting thing: Luke just emailed me out of the blue. This is not especially amazing, but the timing is uncanny. For those of you who don't remember, Luke is 'Mr Palmerston North' from over 4 years ago. Haven't seen or heard from him in years, and he just emailed me to ask how I was doing. I have no idea where he is or what he's doing now - I'd be completely unsurprised to hear he's got a wife and kids, it was what he really wanted years ago. But, then again, people change.

Anyway, I'm going to buy a couple of nice chocolate bars or something and just spend some time alone this evening. I've been so busy lately, I've barely had time to think and I think it's time for me to take some time out and let the thoughts come. Might be healthier. Might be time for me to be 'not okay' for a few days.

Anyway, today's five:
1) The lovely girl in my after school class - it's her birthday today. I've planned a birthday lesson with a big game of ESL 'Cranium' and bought a cake for the class to share. If nothing else, the cake should go down well.

2) Tomorrow is Courtney's leaving party. I'm really sad she's going, but happy that I can go to a party to say goodbye.

3) I was really early for the bus this morning because I went to get the cake, so I stopped in at Cafe Bene and got an iced blueberry tea. It was so nice, and a really relaxing way to start the morning. Maybe I should have a hot chocolate this afternoon.

4) Um, so no one showed up for after school class. Which was good in two ways: I got to go home early AND I got to keep the cake :D

5) Luke's email was actually really nice and it was good to catch up.

Here's some tuna pics:

Ok, not tuna, but cake!

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