Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lacklustre Tuesday

So, last night for dinner I had Vietnamese shabu-shabu. It's similar to Korean shabu-shabu, but tastes a little different, doesn't have a noodle or rice course, and you use the meat and stuff you boil to make rice paper spring rolls. Courtney would have loved it - so sad she's back home now :( I'm going to try and cook dinner at home tonight. In the past 18 days I've cooked dinner once. Yeah, one time in two and a half weeks. I don't really miss it or anything, but sort of feel like I should. Plus, I have an avocado to use. I suppose I'll have it for breakfast if I end up being out, though.

I'm feeling a bit lacklustre today. I think I need to do some exercise! My diets been fairly good, but not as good as I'd like, so I'm going to work on cleaning that up and do a strength workout and some sprinting this evening. And maybe a quick nap - I'm sleepy. Though, exercise will help with that too.

I've got no teaching again today. I've been hard at work designing English summer camp, though. I'm nearly done, and it's looking good. I think I've got a good mix of writing, movies, speaking, crafty art type stuff, role-plays, etc. It's not as ambitious as I'd originally envisioned, but I think that's probably good. I don't know how many/which students are signed up (I don't think they are yet), so I need the plan to be really flexible with regards to class size, level, and how much freedom I can give the groups to do their own thing. But, so far, it's looking good.

And tonight I feel like watching a movie. I might finally get around to watching the latest Pirate of the Caribbean. Johnny Depp is always good for lacklustre recovery :)

Today's 5:
1) It's warm, but breezy today - it's quite lovely.

2) Dinner and a movie at home, sounds good to me!

3) I've got most of Summer camp planned. That means I can concentrate on getting ready to go to Japan.

4) I've bought some Korean plums to try - yummy hopefully

5) I have super chocolate cravings and I'm not giving in.

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