Sunday, August 7, 2011

Relaxing weekend Sunday

I've had a lovely relaxing time at home, and some totally wonderful food! It was really nice to celebrate my birthday with my family (especially because I probably won't be next year). There have been some developments on the Korea front...

I've been offered a job at a public school in a rural area about 40-50min south of Seoul. At first I was very sceptical because when I looked on Google Maps the place where the school is, it's a tiny little town/collection of building. However, I emailed the current teacher, and she said she actually lives in the near-by city, so has plenty to do in the evening and what not. So, this sounds pretty good. What with the extreme scarcity of GEPIK jobs at the moment, this could be what I've been waiting for. I'm not going to hold my breath though... until I get that Korean E2 visa in my passport (and even maybe then), I'm not going to assume anything is for sure.

This job doesn't start until October though, which means I have some time to do some travelling before hand. I'm thinking a tour through China would be great, end up in Shanghai, fly to Busan at the bottom of Korea, work my way up through Korea, end up in Seoul for a few days and then go to work. This is all pretty much dependent on visa stuff and whatever though. And it's pretty short notice to try and book a tour, but we'll see what happens next week :)

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