Ok, two main things achieved today! I took my visa form the the Korean consulate after ringing them and finding out that they could have my visa done by Wednesday :) All I needed was my visa number, my passport, a passport photo, and $70. It was really easy (assuming it all goes to plan), and a big load off my mind to have that under way. Because I'm getting my visa done so early, it means I will have to apply for an extension while in Korea towards the end of my contract, but according to my recruiter that should be very simple. So, I can go and pick up my passport complete with E2 visa on Wednesday, and not have to worry about trying to get it done in Hong Kong :) I'm getting kind of keen about going to:

Yes, alone... but I think I could make it fun. I don't think being alone should stop me from doing anything (unless it makes it dangerous). So, maybe a trip to the world's smallest Disneyland :) There's a ton of other things I want tot do and see in Hong Kong, and I only have four days, so not having to do a visa will give me time to visit some of the markets, the Star Ferry, the peak, Madam Tussaurds, this awesome
Buddhist nunnery I keep reading about, and so on. There's a great looking walking tour of some markets including a bird market, flower market, goldfish market, night market, and more! I like walking tours :) Also, if I can fit it in I want to take the ferry to Macau and check out some of the Portuguese architecture. So, it should be a pretty full few days!
I'm saving planning my first few days in Seoul for the plane ride over. I've got my Lonely Planet books, and I need all the help I can get getting through 12 hours of flight!
In other news, I took my car in to the mechanic, and to cut a long story involving scanners, leads, plugs, sumps, air pockets, and differentials... he doesn't know what's wrong with it. My car has a computer in it and he said it was reading some errors to do with engine start up (Um, yeah, we ad some engine start up errors!), but that it was running fine now, and he's deleted the errors in case it was just the computer and its sensors having a moment of stupidity. Well, we will see. It seems unlikely to me that this will fix the problem, but if it's a computer problem, we should probably just trying turning it off and then on again. THAT would fix it :-D However, the car had been going absolutely fine all day, so all it has to do is get me home tomorrow!
Tonight though, Brook and I are going out with his parents to a Japanese restaurant in Mt Eden. That should be... interesting. His dad and I don't exactly see eye to eye :) In a nice way, but still.
1) Went to the Korean consulate and started the visa process.
2) Got my car looked at.
4) Japanese food for dinner! I love Japanese!
5) I got to spend lots of really great time with Brook. He came with me to the consulate and to do my car and stuff. He's good company :-D