Friday, September 28, 2012

Long weekend Friday

The kids have a half day today because f the long weekend. Well, they get off school early, but they had to start school early to get in the same amount of classes, and have a shorter lunch time. So, they had the same amount of work, but finish school about half an hour earlier, for whatever reason. I don't think the teachers get to go early, but maybe by a little bit. Maybe. Haha, or maybe everyone else will, but I'll have to stay. In saying that, though, Mr B told me to go home at 4.30 yesterday, After all the bother of me wanting to leave at 4 on Wednesday to go to the bank, and offering to come in early, and him saying I strictly had to work 9-5, he came up to me yesterday, tells me after school class is cancelled (which he already told me on Tuesday), and says I can go. At 4.30. Never one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I hot legged it outta there! But I do not understand how anything in this school works. But, only 7 work days left to go.

Nothing very exciting yesterday evening or today so far. Yesterday I went with Andy to buy some presents for his bosses at work for Chuseok. He was such a boy about the whole thing - totally disorganised, and had no clue how to make a present special or look nice. So, I helped him :) The super special gift over here is SUPER huge SPAM sets. I kid you not - spam. Andy decided on a classier option of NZ Airborn Manuka honey - which I totally approved of :) It's over $40 a jar here.

Today's five things:
1) I've spent lots of time setting this up and preparing the material for it (Though I'll be changing the picture on the front page once I have a suitable one of me with students or something). I have no idea why, or what I'm going to use it for, but it might come in handy, if I can keep it up to date, when I'm looking for better jobs where they actually care about teacher quality.

2) I have a can of emergency tuna in my handbag. School lunches have been so bad lately that I actually can't bring myself to eat much. The best stuff we only ever get a tiny bit of, so I've started bringing emergency rations to school. I'll probably eat the tuna if I'm still here by 4pm.

3) On Tuesday, Andy has work and I have the day off. I think I'll go shopping in Seoul. I want to buy one piece of clothing that is something I'd never normally buy. You know, kinda spice things up a bit - a new colour, or animal print, or something. All my clothes look so much the same sometimes. It's pretty fun to be young, debt free, earning my own money, and be able to do whatever I want with it. Haha, I mostly do nothing except buy food, though!

4) Crap - it's raining and I didn't bring an umbrella. Why is that a good thing for today? For some reason I find getting rained on really fun and funny. Dunno.

5) I got a cake tin last night. Operation: Pumpkin Cheesecake will commence this evening. Woohoo!

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