Thursday, October 4, 2012

Updates on a Thursday

But, it feels like a Monday because I've had all week off! My 5 day break felt so gloriously long! (My new favourite word is 'glorious'). It was the perfect mix of relaxing, eating, sleeping, shopping, and crafting. I feel like a new woman! Partly this is because I had such a lovely break, partly because one 'chapter', so to speak, of my life is about to close, and partly because I am wearing leggings for the first time ever. Yeah, it's a big step for me. Leggings and a dress covered in a small gemstone pattern - super daring outfit for me. But anyway, lets start with the weekend.

I made a baked pumpkin cheesecake on Friday evening. I did end up getting to go home early, got home about 3.30pm, in fact. The cheesecake worked incredibly well, baked just like it should, and tasted amazing! I took it to Andy's house as a gift for his family for thanksgiving. And then ended up spending three days at his house hanging out with his parents, him, and one of his sisters (+ husband +2 kids). I slept at my house, but spent each day at his. He and I sometimes hung out alone, going for walks to the river, or setting up lawn chairs in the sun, and sometimes with his family having BBQs, cooking, and eating. It was all really lovely and very relaxing. The weather was perfect, and I had a great time.

On Tuesday Andy had to work, but I had the day off. I went shopping in Seoul. The original aim was to buy something really different from what I normally wear, but I didn't end up achieving that. I did try on some purple pants, which didn't fit, and a zebra striped dress - which was amazingly comfy but hideous. I bought some nice things like a couple of work skirts, a grey knit jersey, and my trial leggings. They're actually pretty comfy, and let me wear a dress on a cooler kind of day, so we'll see how it goes.

Then, yesterday Andy and I spent the morning at home - him studying and me doing some craft/art. Then we went to Dongtan for lunch, had a delicious lunch buffet, and came home. Then Andy left for his place and I did some more craft, read my book, watched an episode of Bones, and went to bed. Awesome weekend! And I'm not even bummed to be back at work today because the end is nigh! Only 6.3 days left to go!!!

Here's 5 awesome things right now:
1) I've been doing 20+ minutes of yoga 4 times a week for the past two weeks and I am REALLY enjoying it. There's this website '' that has free yoga videos, and it is good. It's making me feel really nice.

2) Only two weeks until I'm back in NZ! And mum and dad got my dog back! I am so crazy excited to see everyone! More exclamation marks!!!

3) Only 6 days of work left after today. I have checked out mentally. Not on the kids, they still deserve my full attention, but Mr B can go eat a bucket of eyeballs for all I care. Old eyeballs.

4) This weekend is 'pack and clean' weekend. I'm looking forward to throwing a bunch of stuff away, simplifying, and sorting everything. I honestly don't think I have that much. I definitely have more clothes than I came with, but not too much else.

5) I finished my Baskin Robbins challenge! Official end date was yesterday - one year since my first BR ice cream in Korea. I had my 31st flavour on Tuesday - Walnut ice cream in a choco-parfait to celebrate the completion of this epic goal. Now, what should my goal be for my next year in Korea??

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