Thursday, September 13, 2012

Six-sex Thursday

I got more teaching because Mr B had meetings. Yeah, meeting scheduled during class time. Weird system. Anyway, one of the classes was fine because we still had lots of 'my' part of the book to do, but the first grade class was a bit different. We'd done all my part, and I can't do the grammar bit because it's all written in Korea. Mr B was nowhere to be found (but I didn't actually look), so I QUICKLY put together a lesson loosely based on what we did yesterday and downloaded a last minute powerpoint game. We just spent the whole lesson reviewing numbers and then learning how to say prices in dollars and cents, then played 'the price is right' at the end. Thank goodness for the internet! Stupid Mr B just tells me to teach alone and has no idea we've finished the materials. The best part of the lesson was when all the kids kept cracking up over the words 'six' and 'sixty six'. I was like "what? What's funny?". They were laughing so hard they couldn't get it out, but I caught on. I wrote 'SIX' and 'SEX' on the board in big letters and they just about wet themselves. I was like 'THIS one!' pointing to the 'six'. 

I've probably got after school class today. No one turned up the last two times, so no telling really. I can't do my scavenger hunt lesson because it's raining, so we'll do food instead. Maybe the sun will come back next week.

Also, huge disappointment: Mr B seems to have aborted his moustache. It had such potential.

Today's five:
1) I ground a whole lots of almonds and cashews this morning - I'm going to try baking with homemade nut flour this afternoon!

2) "Teecha - fashion today? Fashion today blue and pink. Fashion today beautiful!" - She liked my outfit :)

3) Cute dog photos on Pinterest.

4) Andy invited me to go to Everland on Saturday! I hope it's not raining - it'll be so much fun!

5) We had my favourite chicken soup at lunch today. And the lunch lady gave me double squid rings because I sat there eating my lunch for so long :)

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