Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Raining cats and dogs Tuesday

That's one of Andy's favourite sayings. I think he likes it when it's raining cats and dogs :) Also, he told me to tell you (the Internet) that in Korea everyone takes a worming pill every 6-12 months because they believe that eating some kinds of meat will give you worms. The whole family has to take a pill or it won't be effective. He tells me pretty much everyone in Korea does this regardless of any symptoms. He decided on Saturday that it was time to get de-wormed, and included me in this... endeavour. He then said "Sam, you should write about this on your blog", so here you go Andy :) I wasn't happy about taking a pill meant to kill something I was pretty sure I didn't have (what else does it kill, huh?), but he insisted that it was safe and a good thing to do. So, I guess I don't have worms now. Which is a good thing :)

I got a call yesterday evening from a lady from a Kindy in Dongtan. She wants me to go in and check out the school and have an interview. She hadn't read my resume, so kind of wasted my time by asking me questions she could have read the answer to, but ok. He biggest selling point for the job seemed to be that the accommodation has "a big window. It's perfect accommodation because of the window. All the foreigners say 'Wow, it's such a nice window'". Haha, ok - why don't you and the window get married, lady? Anyway, she has yet to email me the details like she said she would and the school is only open while I am at work, so I'm not sure anything is going to happen there.

I really just want to go home and go to bed (though I always feel like that at work when I'm not teaching - when I actually do get home I don't go to bed), but I have to work until 6pm. But, with any luck my afterschool class will go well and the kids will be interested. I want to take some photos of their work to submit with my latest article. I started drawing the draft of the comic strip to go with it last night :) Most annoyingly, I brought a home made nut bar to work today as a snack. I have to bring one on days when I work until 6, as it's a long time between lunchtime and hometime on those days. Only, this morning Mr B told me afterschool clases were cancelled, so I ate my nut bar for morning tea. Then, after lunch he said they'd been un-cancelled, so now I have no snack and it's pouring with rain so I can't really walk down to the shops. I will be hungry by the time I get home!

And now, today's five things:

1) I forgot to mention the other day, so it can go on today, that Andy sometimes brings me fresh vegetables from his family's garden. On the weekend he brought me a bag of home grown onions, including some red ones! Which deserves that exclamation mark because I haven't seen red onions for sale here.

2) I wrote a big information sheet for the teacher who comes after me. It includes stuff like buses, paying bills, getting mail, and all that good business. I am such a nice person.

3) Because it's very rainy, there are a lot of puddles everywhere. Puddles are awesome. I enjoy stepping in them and I like it when the bus drives through big ones that spray everywhere.

4) There was a ... peal? roll? clap? something of thunder this afternoon that lasted for at least 30 seconds. It just kept on rolling and booming for ages. I was so impressed!

5) The P.E teacher who sits next to me in the teachers' room has just finished watching TV shows on his laptop and it now taking a nice nap complete with snoring. Haha, and the other day when I went to find the VP to get my *^#%@ book signed, Mr B informed me I couldn't because the VP was probably taking a nap. Oh! The PE teacher just woke up. Now he is using some toner on his face or something. He smokes, so gotta keep that skin fresh somehow, I suppose. Yeah, a smoking PE teacher who naps and snores at his desk. Good times.

~ I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up.

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