Friday, September 14, 2012

When is a billion not a billion Friday

So, I'm trying to explain to Mr B that numbers like 'billion' and 'trillion' can have a different amount of zeros depending on whether you're talking British of American billions and trillions. Wikipedia tells me that the British have mostly changed to the American system now, but that much of Europe is still different. For example:
1 billion = 
1,000,000,000,000 (that's three more zeros).
I really should not have bothered. Despite me telling him over and over that I was talking about 'the number of zeros', he just kept looking up the pronunciation and telling me they were the same. Seriously, I was like "No, not the sounds the actual number is different. It's a different number". He learnt nothing.

Also, he seems to be collecting paper cups in the English room. There are currently eight dirty paper cups stacked up. I counted. We have clean mugs available all the time for teachers, but he keeps bringing paper cups (little ones, not coffee shop ones) to class. He then, invariably knocks them over. I'm serious. The pointers, TV remotes, front of the computer, spots on the floor, and some of the shelving by the teacher's desk is covered in sticky goo from his hot drinks being spilled. No kidding - not only is he not being environmentally conscious (and kind of weird) by using a new paper cup all the time, he just spills stuff and doesn't clean it up. It's gross.

Also: He lost the video camera. And the flashcards. And all my respect.

But, enough about that. Did you know that the girls here wear their school uniform skirts so short that some of them carry around blankets to put on their laps when they sit down to protect their modesty. They did this even in the middle of summer. Not all of them have short skirts, but many. Make of that what you will.

And today for lunch? Bugs. Bugs and anchovies. Even some of the teachers picked the bugs out, so I didn't feel unusual in not really wanting to eat them. Good thing I had a big breakfast. Which reminds me - I made mu nut muffins last night. They taste pretty good, but are too wet. I think there was too much banana in them, and maybe too much oil. Microwave them and add some ice cream, though, and I think they'll be just fine. I had two for breakfast and they were filling, tasty, and flour free.

Now, only three hours of work left (and I'm in the classroom that whole time) and then it's the weekend! I think I'll go to Songtan tonight for some yummy Mexican food.

Today's five things:
1) One of the 2nd grade boys wanted to show me his magic trick. He made a coin disappear! He did it really well - I was impressed.

2) My zebra stripe umbrella makes me feel happy on rainy days. No worries if it's a dreary, chilly, rainy day - I've got a zebra umbrella!

3) Only one student showed up for class yesterday afternoon, so we got to leave an hour early. She was actually a great student! Plus getting the extra hour meant I had time to do my baking.

4) Yummy muffins/pudding muffins (that's what I'm going to call them. They did set, but are too too moist).

5) It's Friday! yay!

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