Thursday, September 20, 2012

And again Thursday

On top of yesterday's awesome news about my article being selected, I got a different article published online today. It's not as much of a big deal as getting in a magazine people have to pay money to read, but it's still pretty awesome, as it's a heavily-trafficked website, and I use it a lot. You can check out my article here :) I'm pretty happy with it, and it was a much simpler (not to mention lightning fast) than getting the magazine one. So, I might try for a few more online ones over the next couple of weeks. They seem to favour things with numbers, you know "ten ways to...", "seven steps to better..." and so on. I'm thinking of doing something on ways to build mutual respect between teachers and students.

In other new - my brains are fried today. Oh, and I got busted yesterday coming into work early and leaving at 4. Mr B asked me to type some stuff up for him yesterday because I'm faster at typing in English than he is. I got it all done, emailed him, and left at 4pm, just like I always do. He called me at 4.20 in a total panic asking where I was and why had I left school. I explained that I'd come to school at 8am, so my finish time was 4pm. He was like "but there's no class between 8 and 9am". Yeah, there's no class between 4 and 5pm either - weird comment. I was like "I came in early to finish writing the listening tests" (which was actually true). He was like laughing at me, all frustrated and flustered, and then suddenly goes "Oh! Did you email your work to me?", and I said "Yes, of course" (Um, like I ALWAYS do), and then he gets all happy and is like "Oh, ok great. See you tomorrow then!" all happy and fine. He thought I'd left school an hour early and not finished the important work he'd asked me to do. Has he learned nothing from working the past year with me? It would seem not.

Buuut, only three-ish weeks to go! And I'm optimistic that one of those weeks will be mostly, or at least partially, taken up by mid-terms :)

I did have a few things I wanted to write about today, but they've been buried under the brain fug! So, onwards with today's five things:

1) Getting an article publish by a 'proper' website :)

2) I posted the copyright form for the magazine article today. It had to go to England, and I went to the post office at lunch. It was really easy, and air mail to England cost me about 60c - including the envelope! I thought they told me $6 at first, and they were like 'no, no, no!'. I couldn't believe how cheap it was! So, that's all set - now I just have to wait (probably months and months and months) to find out when it will actually be published.

3) One of the kids gave me a lollipop today. She said "Sam teacher - here! Because you?... me?... teach good!" Haha, obviously not that good, but it was sweet :)

4) I'm going hiking on the weekend - on a mountain no less! Expect photos.

5) There was meat in today's lunch, and I got lots of it. It was yummy boiled pork!

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