Thursday, September 6, 2012

Gorgeous day Thursday

It is an absolutely gorgeous day today. Perfect sun, totally blue skies, cool breeze - fantastic. At first I was a little bummed, I have to work until 6pm tonight. The day will be gone by then. Then I though 'I bet the kids want to be outside too', so I've planned a lesson we can have outside. We're going to learn some describing words, do a scavenger hunt, describe some stuff outside, and then write some autumn haiku poems. Nice :)

So, dinner last night with Nathan was great. Sadly (as is so often the case here in Korea) the Peruvian restaurant had closed, but Nathan knew of an excellent Mexican restaurant nearby, so we went there instead. I'm not very familiar with Mexican food, but American people seem sort of besotted with it. I had soft tacos (and apparently no true Mexican eats crunchy tacos - they're an American creation) with beef and corriander. They tasted so good! And I can definitely remember where the restaurant was so I can go again. 

Nathan was good company (though he seems to not like about 95% of life in Korea, so I'm not totally sure why he's here), and we discussed some ideas for running future meetups. He seems quite keen to volunteer lead. I'm sort of keen, on an intermittent basis. It's so much work, and people can be so dumb and demanding, and don't seem to register the fact that you're a volunteer and are getting NOTHING for leading the group around. Well, I've got my ice hockey meetup on Saturday and Nathan said he'd probably be there, so that'll be nice. He also said he knows an amazing hamburger place in Seoul for the group to go to afterwards, which could be awesome.

And today's been pretty uneventful, so far. Oh! I went for a lovely walk by the river yesterday afternoon after work. The weather was so nice and there were a million dragon flies. I sat and watched them, and the way the sun caught their wings and they all flew in this kind of swarm made them look like a ball of magic or something. It was quite beautiful.

Today' five things:
1) Fantastic weather - has made me feel happy all day.

2) This song is the most stupid thing I've ever hear and I keep listening to it because it makes me laugh every time. I usually listen to songs with such serious/meaningful lyrics that I keep trying to figure out what she's singing about beyond the obvious inference. I'm kind of hoping that the 'peacock' means the guy's amazing, yet hidden, personality that she wants to see :D

3)  I'm going to watch 'The Holiday' again tonight. It's one of my favourite movies.

4) I moved on to doing a more difficult type of push up this morning. They are harder! But the others had become... too easy!

5) Uuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm...................? I know! Cold water when you're thirsty is awesome. Done!

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