Friday, July 6, 2012

Look on the bright side Friday

It's only 11am, and already today is awful!

This morning at 1am, my buildings fire alarm went off for 15 minutes. Again, no one paid any attention, but it's still worrying and stressful. I didn't get back to sleep for over an hour.
Which meant I over-slept this morning, so had to catch the later bus to work. So, I got in at 9am, which means I have to work until 5 :(
It's also steadily pouring with rain, so my feet are wet. But, it's warm, so I'm wet and sticky.
Also, on the walk up the hill from the bus to school, my skirt felt loose. When I checked, it had come apart at the seam right up the back. Not quite to my undies, but pretty darn close. So, goodness knows how many Korean people have seen more of me than I bargained for. Luckily, one of the admin ladies had a needle and thread, so I went into the bathroom and sewed my skirt back together.
Then, Mr. B tells me he'll teach alone today, so I have yet another day of nothing to do.
And he also informed me that he thought it was unlikely that the school would have the funding to re-new my contract for another year. He said the office would call him sometime. I asked when, he said "I dunno, maybe next week?". I take this to mean he's just waiting for a general phone call and is going to make no effort to find out what's going on for me. Super.

So: tired, hot, wet, broken skirt, bored, and now a little stressed about next year.
Not cool.
I was doing ok and laughing it off until Mr B got in on the game too. Now I'm just grumpy. And hungry. If lunch is bony fish, I might cry.

Going to have to dig deep for five things today:
1) If I don't get to re-sign at my school, it'll be an opportunity to try something new and expand my teaching skills (Look on the bright side, right?). I could teach kindergarten - apparently they're adorable. And little kids like doing art, and I love class art projects.

2) It's really lucky that the admin lady had a sewing kit. And that I know how to sew. Ok, the whole 'flashing my bum to a bus load of Koreans' is kind of funny :)

3) It is very rainy and wet, but at least it's not rainy and wet and cold, right?

4) Cute animal photos with funny captions make my day better. Thank you, Lolcats.

5) The weather forecast for tomorrow is 'mostly sunny', so hopefully I can finally make it to the Garden of the Morning Calm.

And yeah, I'm sure you've already guessed - lunch was indeed bony fish. Sucks.

But, I found a bright side to the whole fire alarm thing. Because I was awake from the alarm, I slept in and had to catch the 8.30 bus instead of the 7.30 bus. So, none of the kids or teachers from school were on the bus with me, so no one I actually know saw my ripped skirt and probably undie exposure. So, maybe the alarm was a good thing? In a roundabout way.

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