Tuesday, July 10, 2012

'recording' is a noun Tuesday

Pretty normal day today. I've been in three classes, but haven't taught at all. Mr B. has just talked to the class in Korean. I think he's doing something to do with some sort of homework project, but I don't know. I just sat there for the first two lots of 45 minutes, but this last one I brought my laptop to class, so I can at least have something to do. It's a change of scenery at least :)

Yeah, nothing very exciting or interesting to report today.

1) I've been using my time today to put together maps, money info, train info, and so on for Japan. I'm totally hoping they have some ice cream mochi over there. I asked Andy and he said it was really popular here a few years ago, but we can't find any now. I'm going to try freezing some of my favourite tteok from the market and see if that turns out in any way similar.

2) I want some spicy pork soup for dinner tonight!

3) I bought some bedding off a girl in my building who's going home. It's really nice, and I'm sort of relieved to get away from the fluro-green colour of my original sheets. Soft pink is much more calming. I'll put up a photo of my 'new' bed if I can remember.

4) The following dialogue (the word in question had no context, it was just a word on the page)
Mr B to the class: "is 'recording' a noun or a verb?"
Class: ".....?..."
Mr B: "Sam teacher - noun or verb?"
Me: "Well, it depen-"
Mr B "It's a noun"

In the choice between laughing and screaming, I'll choose to be amused.

5) Apparently it's going to rain tonight. I like variety :)

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