Monday, April 30, 2012

Bought a blender Monday

I had a really nice weekend again, but I felt too sick and tired to go to the baseball on Sunday :( This virus is STILL kicking my butt. On Saturday I skyped Jenni, then met up with Courtney, Nyasha, and Nyasha's workmate Casey (a guy) to go to the mall, have some ice cream, and then we went to Suwon, did some window shopping and went to a very nice wine bar in the evening. I had to go home about 11, though, as my cold was revving back up. Sunday I skyped Mum and Dad, did grocery shopping, etc. It was so good to catch up with everyone over the weekend - Mum, Dad, Jenni, and Brook! Really nice.

No teaching again today, but I have made progress with other things. First thing I went and asked Mr B about my holidays. He was super vague, and indicated they'd be sometime at the end of July. I asked if he'd asked the principal about the 5 extra days and he said he find out by tomorrow. I told him I REALLY need to know, and he seemed to understand. So, tomorrow I'm going to go to him with my work schedule sheet and ask him to confirm dates. He won't, but I'll keep going to him until he does. May is my month of getting stuff done.

In this vein, I've decided to try and write something to get published. Not sure at the moment *where* exactly this publishing will take place, but hopefully some ESL magazine or journal will take my work. So, this morning I started researching for an article on motivating/empowering students using choice, like giving them some control over the class so they like it more and stuff. Haha, I say this in a flasher way in the actual article. I've planned out what I want to get done each week, so that in about a month's time I should be finishing it up and submitting it. Academic writing, it seems, is something like riding a bike :)

Because of my cold, however, I've got a serious case of brain fog. My sinuses are so blocked it feels like a big pressure build up inside my head, which is not really helping me digest the first scholarly articles I've read in over a year :) I am very much enjoying exploring new ideas though, and I'm really looking forward to producing something with my down time - something that may even help my career. Win-Win!

Also, I may have found someone to adopt Kyle! I'm taking her into Seoul on Saturday to meet the guy. Hopefully he doesn't pull out and I'll have gotten her a nice new home. I just don't get rabbits. I think that animals that urinate in their own food supply are probably not the kind of pet I'm looking for.

So, five things:
1) I'm reading academic articles about classroom motivation and enjoying it.

2) I've found a productive way to spend some of my at work down time.

3) Sunny weather with a warm breeze - makes me happy.

4) There's been progress on the holiday dates - even a vague estimate is better than nothing.

5) Lunch today was yummy. They do this amazingly smotth baked egg thing with black sesame seeds in it. I took two squares :)

6) I went to E-Mart after work to buy some salt, and on a whim decided to see how much blenders were. I got one for $20! I got home and immediately blended up a frozen banana and an orange - wow! So yummy! The blender is really cute too, just a one person sized thing. I'm happy with it.

Also, I bought a sauce bottle. You know, the plastic squeeze kind with a nozzle? Well, I want to do some sinus drainage, and had to get salty water up my nose. Who needs a fancy tool when I can just squirt it up with a sauce bottle? :-D

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