Wednesday, April 18, 2012

*Cough cough* Wednesday

I'm still coughing and Mr B. still won't let me teach :) I tried to go to class this morning, and he kicked me out (in the nicest way). He goes "are you ok to teach?". I said yeah, I just might cough a bit (and then had to cough), and he was like "Oh, no. You go take a rest and work on the lesson plan for the open class". *Sigh*. OK.

Well, we finally had THAT meeting for the open class lesson. Well, Mr B. took 2 minutes to tell me information he'd already given me, and then told me to make a lesson plan. Seriously.  Oh, and he asked if I knew the game 'pin the tail on the donkey' and could we play it during the open class. I said that yes, I knew it, but that no, we couldn't play it. Aside from the fact it has no English component at all.... 30 12 year olds running around with pins during a demo class? That is a very bad idea! I told him I'd find a better game :)

So, I spent a few happy hours yesterday fully engaged in making this lesson plan for the open class. It really made the day fly by! I made a nice powerpoint, a small test, and a couple of games (which actually use the target language of the lesson!). I also had to make a formal lesson plan, with learning outcomes, lesson timings, etc. Haven't done that for ages! The lesson Mr B wants to focus on from the book seems to cover a bunch of different target language, and I couldn't make much sense of it to tell you the truth. It seemed to focus on greetings, how to say thank you, asking 'really' and 'is that right', the correct use of 'has/have' and 'do/does' as well as the subject of families. Which, if you ask me is a bit much for one 45 minute lesson. So, I chose to focus really closely on just using 'do/does' and 'have/has'. I like the lesson I've designed, but we'll see if Mr B. wants something different. He didn't really give me much to go off :)

So, I had all of yesterday to make one 45minute lesson plan. Not hard at all! So, I printed out the draft and gave it to Mr B. this morning. He was like "What!? Already???". Um, yeah. What did you think I was doing for hours yesterday? 

I've been thinking about my old job a bit recently. I used to teach a lot more hours that I do now, and also had to do more planning, but I spent way less time at work. I used to teach for 5 hours a day, and do maybe 4 hours of planning (including materials prep) time a week. So, that's a 30(ish) hour work week (though much of my planning was done at home). Here I'm at work 40 hours a week and do jack-all. Earnings were roughly equivalent. I think I really need to start 'making the most' of my time here in Korea to kind of make up for this. Otherwise I'm left with a crappy job, and not much reason for being here!

Anyway, the spring blossoms finally bloomed for real yesterday. I got off the bus early to walk by the river a bit after work, and the trees looked amazing. It's very pretty and I took some pictures. Because it's spring, the footpaths have been taken over by people selling seedlings. It makes me want to garden! Sadly, not enough light gets in my apartment for me to even grow a healthy succulent plant, so no home grown vegetables for me. To tell the truth, I actually hate gardening, and I'm pretty sure my plants would die. It sure is warming up though. It's like someone flipped the switch, and all of a sudden it's spring! Almost time to do some summer clothes shopping...

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