Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Holiday dates Tuesday

Another lovely warm day, though a bit overcast today. Again, a desk day for me, but I do have after-school class this afternoon. We did a lesson on zombies last week, so this week we're watching part of the movie 'I am Legend', and then doing a worksheet and talking about it. I'm also planning on doing a questionnaire about what the kids want to learn, and talking to them about some different things we can do in class, if they want to. I'm hoping it goes well - a lot of the time when I try to talk to them about doing anything differently they don't understand at all.

Big news! I've got my holiday dates! At long last, Mr B. came through for me and got it all sorted. He even managed to score me two extra days. My contract says the principal can give me five extra days, but Mr B. reckons that's only if the school is REALLY rural, like on a tiny island or something. That was fine, but then he said I could have two days instead. He told me about six times 'just two days, not five'. I was like, yeah, I can hear you. I'm totally happy with two more - I could have none! So, my holiday dates are from the 25th of July to the 5th of August - twelve days that include my birthday. Pretty darn likely that Brook will be here for my birthday - kind of awesome!

Because today is a late start (and finish) day for me, I got to play some StarWars this morning. I'm totally getting back into it, though the server my main character is on is not very populated at the times I play, so I'm basically playing a single player game online. I'm really enjoying it, though. I also made another awesome smoothie in my new blender. I think it's really going to come into its own when summer really arrives and I can make ice-cold smoothies from frozen fruit. Yummy! I'm really into oranges at the moment.

I've been working on my research all day, but I'm going to stop now. My head feels really spacey - I think from the blocked sinuses. I read four articles this morning and got some good references, and wrote a couple of hundred words of my own. A few hundred a day and I'll have it done in a few weeks. At the moment I'm leaning towards writing more of a practical 'five steps to implementing student choice in your classroom' sort of thing right now, rather than something hardcore academic. I think this suits my situation and aspirations better for now. I'm enjoying thinking about things :)

So, today's five:
1) Got my holiday dates - very happy about this (it also means that my dealing with Mr B can go back to minimal = much less ranting from me).

2) I'm delivering my rabbit into Seoul on Saturday, and I'm going to do some summer clothes shopping in Myeongdong for the day.

3) Mmmm, smoothie.

4) Lunch today was roast pork with a salty/spicy sauce on the side. I love the roast pork - it's so simple and tasty. And not covered in goop made of goodness knows what.

5) Turns out my after school class has been cancelled this week. And I only found out when I went to ask where my students were 5 minutes into class time. Haha, excellent communication there. Oh well, I just left and came home early. I'll have to do my needs analysis next week.

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