Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Regular Wednesday

So, Monday night I went for dinner with Courtney, and she's doing well. I reckon she's my favourite person in Korea :) And she wants to come to the beach with me on the weekend, so I'm trying to switch my room booking to a twin room (but because it's a long weekend, Busan is literally booked out). It'd be pretty cool if she can come, as she only wants to come for one night, so I'd get the best of both, a bit of time to recharge by myself, and a bit of time hanging out with a friend. Win-Win :)

Yesterday was a good day, too. I did the supermarket scavenger hunt after school and it worked really well. It took ages to convince the kids we were going to the supermarket, but once they'd figured it out, they were quite excited. There was only four students, so it was easy to keep and eye on everyone and they put in some good effort and really tried. I was proud of them. Great lesson!

I had prizes for them, too. Though I gave one to all of them because they were really close and ALL did a good job. Only problem was, they were little packs of Oreo cookies that I gave them, and I convinced myself to have one too. Now, nothing bad happens to me when I eat processed food. I've read of all these... zealots really, who after making the change to 'real food' report all these horrible symptoms if even the smallest bite of 'evil processed food from hell' passes their lips. I don't feel anything, but I can *see* something. Every time I eat a grain/sugar thing my tummy sticks out. I guess it's what 'bloating' is. It's not uncomfortable, I don't get gas, but my stomach is distended. Without the crap, it's rather more flat. When I started eating this way I thought maybe it's help me loose what I thought was a fat deposit on my tummy. While it has helped me loose it, it wasn't fat. Not sure what it is, but it's interesting.

Also, I posted a link on facebook to an article about the carbs-insulin-fat connection by a science author I'm reading a lot of at the moment. One of my friends commented about how she couldn't do a diet like that because she wouldn't want to 'eat steak and carrots for breakfast'. Why not? Want to know what I had for breakfast this morning? Pigs feet. I'm serious. Chopped up, boiled pigs feet (google image search 'Jokbal') and a homemade lemon-orange-ginger smoothie to cut through the grease. In my opinion, it was way tastier than toast or cereal. But, to each his own :)

In other news, I've got to go back to the doctor tonight for more medicine. Not sure how much longer I have to take it, but apart from a slightly 'crackling' ear, my cold/whatever it was is all gone. Finally!

Other than that, not too much to report today. Just a regular day :)

Wednesday's five:

1) Just got an email from the hostel in Busan and they can give me a twin room, so if Courtney can book train tickets, she can come to the beach with me.

2) I'm reading 'Why we get fat and what to do about it' by Gary Taubes, and am really enjoying it. It all makes so much sense. I'm really excited to be effortlessly eating and exercising in a way the feels really 'right' for me. I'm also really interested to see the strength gains I make through my bodyweight exercises. This is the first time I've ever tracked progress or had goals, and I am finding it really motivating.

3) Korean BBQ for dinner tonight!

4) The cute beagle was playing with a stick on the way to school :)

5) I just checked my balance at the bank and I'm on track to complete my 'save $15,000'  goal. I should just scrape in after my trip to Japan in July. Just.


  1. Awesome!

    I'm finding the bloating thing a big deal at the moment. Like you, I don't pass out if the slightest 'bad' food passes my lips, but if I eat enough of it I do pay for it by looking a bit balloon like.

    One big thing I love about paleo is that it says I dont' 'have' to eat breakfast anymore. I've always hated eating within 5 hours of waking up and I always struggled with it a little. Now, I don't eat anything, and I feel great!

    Your savings goal is AWESOME! I can't even contemplate having that much money....hats off to you!

  2. oh gosh, it actually let me comment - hurrah!! :) glad you're pretty much over your cold finally sammy
