Mr B. to the class: "koreankoreankoreankorean .... easy question-uh ...korean korean korean korean ... normal questions-uh... koreankoreankoreankorean... hard questions-uh. And then koreankoreankoreankorean three stars, two stars, one stars [sic], koreankoreankoreankorean. Sam teacher, can you memorise, please?"
Me: "Uh, what?"
Mr B: "Memorise."
Me: *look of total confusion*
Mr B: Ok, later.

*sigh*. Normal day :) Still don't know what he was talking about. I think it was for when I write the questions for the next English test, but who knows, really. He's stopped telling me anything unless I specifically ask about it. It's a good thing I pay attention and can read the school calendar without help! And score! Next week is a short week too - no work on Wednesday :)

Today's five things:

1) It was curried chicken drumstick day at lunch. Yum!

2) I wrote the abstract for my article. Tomorrow I'll edit it for the first two publications.

3) I have no classes tomorrow or Friday (apart from after school class).

4) I have painted my nails sparkly aqua. 

5) I'm going to do an at home yoga routine in the morning.