Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5k Wednesday

I got off school early again today, to go to the doctors to get more medicine. It turns out they can actually give me more than three days worth at a time, they just don't like to because they want to do regular check ups to make sure it's all going ok. I also found out they're open until 10pm, so I don't have to take time off work to go any more. The doctor said I've got a sinus infection and an ear infection, with fluid in my middle ear, and that I'll have to take pills for a couple of weeks to get it all gone. My symptoms are feeling better, but are far from gone.

Having such a blocked up head, I didn't get any work done on my article today, but by the end of the week I want to have the first draft, including the reference section, all finished. Mr B said he's probably going to drop some of my classes next week, from Tuesday or Wednesday so he can do reading and grammar with the students, so I should be able to work on getting the article ready to send out.

Because I had a free afternoon and it was a nice day outside, and because it's this week's challenge on NerdFitness, I walked/ran (minimal running) 5k to escape a fictional landslide (don't worry if you didn't understand that sentence at all - I just walked 5k). I managed it in 46.30, which is great because my goal was to do it in under an hour, and my hope was to do it in 45 minutes, so not far off :)

Today's five:

1) More pills to make me better.

2) Sun, sweat, and 5k walk.

3) There was a really cute and energetic dog in the lift this morning.

4) People say the drivers here are really rude, but cars stop all the time to let me cross roads and drive ways. It's nice :)

5) I'm going to dinner at the 'nice' BBQ place with Courtney and maybe Nyasha for dinner tonight.

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