Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Weird Wednesday

So when exactly does frozen rain qualify as snow? If it's when it is frozen in tiny little bits that blow around and don't make you wet because they aren't liquid, then it is totally snowing right now. Seriously! Ok, it's like, minuscule, and you can't really see it, but it qualifies, right? So. obviously, it's freezing. And tonight is the night I'm going out to meet Jen and Courtney at E-Mart to go out for dinner. In the freezing cold kind-of-almost-not-really snowfrozenrainstuff.

School has taken a turn for the ... I dunno. All my lessons have been cancelled for the next two weeks starting on Friday so I have enough time to prepare for Winter Camp and the two weeks of lessons from the 12th of December where I have to teach a bunch of Christmas themed stuff to all the classes. The next two weeks are the ones leading up to exams, so I guess Mr Beak wants to do all the prep with the students himself, and then take the two weeks after that off while I teach Christmas stuff. That's fine with me, but I don't need two solid weeks of planning time. He told me I'd be teaching these lessons some time last week, and I have about 90% of it done already, and maybe 90% of winter camp done too. Oh well, I guess I'll just have heaps of time to make the lessons awesome.

However, in a bizzare new twist, it seems the vice-principal wants me to move my desk out of the teachers office and into the English classroom, so that will be my new 'home. Apparently he wants the students to be able to come and talk to me in English during break times and lunch time. Well, that's fine I guess. I might complain if my job was difficult because that wouldn't leave me with any break time myself, but seeing as I feel like I'm being paid for doing jack-all, being available to be talked to by the kids is fine with me. BUT, Mr Beak teaches classes in that room without me. So, I have a free period in the teachers room for planning. but he is using the English room to teach. I was like 'what do I do then', and they were all like 'ummmmm... good question'. No one had thought about it. So, there was some discussion about me having my desk in the English classroom and having to move back to the teachers room for the 1-2 hours a day that Mr Beak needed the room (now that'd be annoying!), but then they just decided I'd stay in the English room and ignore the lesson. So, apparently I'm being moved on Friday to begin my two weeks of not teaching by having to sit in the classroom planning lessons while regular lessons go on. Why? WHY? The teacher's room is quiet and well organised, and closer to the bathroom. I have a comfy swivel chair and the photocopier is right there. I suggested that I just spend lunchtimes hanging out in the English room so kids could come and talk to me, but leaving all my desk stuff in the teachers room, but apparently that was not acceptable. *Sigh* Oh well, in terms of annoying stuff, it's not very bad. Just weird.

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