In an attempt to beat the Monday blues, I tried to really focus on the good or funny side of everything today. Work was still extremely dull (Four classes of Mr Beak spending the entire 45 minutes telling the class off for getting low scores on their English tests - as far as I could tell), but my after school class was fun and rewarding. Thank goodness I have that hour and a half to remind me that I love teaching! Otherwise, this would be utterly soul destroying instead of merely eroding :-)
So, five things for today:
2) A guy at the bus stop had pink socks with teddy bears on them, and a boy at school had pink 'Hello Kitty' socks.
3) As I was saying goodbye to my after school class, one of the girls told me she loved me :) I know it's pretty normal for kids to say that over here, but it made me feel nice. I assume she wouldn't have said it if she thought I was awful.
4) My wasabi scarf is about 20cm long already. I've decided to try and do a new stitch alternating with just knitting. This is my project for work tomorrow :)
5) I had a new Baskin Robbins flavour after I did my grocery shopping: 'Love Struck Strawberry'. It was delicious!!
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