Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Someone else cleaned my house Tuesday (and Wednesday)

I'm so tired, I'm going to combine yesterday and today together.

On Tuesday, Brook's mum cleaned my entire house while I was out. The floor, the blinds, the kitchen, the bathroom. She put stuff away she had no right to touch, and cleaned my house. MY house. Is that an insult or what? She stays here and then after I've left for work she's like 'this isn't clean enough', and so she cleans it. She put manuka oil in our vacuum cleaner and vacuum the house. It's not ok. It's really not. My house is how I want it, not how she wants it. Go home and clean your own house. And now it smells like her too.
I may be being irrational and over-reacting, but I am so mad! Who gave her the right to clean MY house? Full of MY things, paid for with MY money!?! Yes, her son lives here, but she has NO RIGHT TO CLEAN MY HOUSE.
Ok, I'm over it now.
Brook and I went to see two movies back to back yesterday, and I only got to sleep after 12am, and had to get up at six. I'm one of those people who needs 9 hours sleep to feel right, so today's been tough :D
So, top five from yesterday and today:

1) Brook took me to Massimo for dinner, where I had chicken and mushroom risotto. It was pretty good, I think we'll probably go back there.

2) We watched 'Bad Teacher', which was so bad it was good. Honestly, it was truly awful, but so funny because of it. Then we accidentally met up with a couple of Brook's friends and decided on a whim to see the new X-Men, which was fine, but no amazing.

3) I think my laptop got fixed today. He replaced the power supply and the motherboard. I'll have to give it a good running on the weekend.

4) Freezing temperatures, fluffy down duvet, hot water bottle, flannel pyjamas. Enough said.

5) Lots of students who I've taught over the last five weeks stop me in the hall when they see me to say 'Hi Sam', ask how I am, and chat. It's kinda nice :) I even remember most of them!

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