Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Traffic Jam Wednesday

Phew - so I was suck in the worst traffic jam I've ever been in this morning! It snowed lightly overnight, and I'm not sure if that was the cause, or what, but it was major. The bus trip to school usually takes between 30-40 minutes, but this morning, it took just under three hours. Yes, three hours. And I didn't have a seat, so I had to stand. At one point, they made us get off one bus and get on another one behind us, so there was two bus loads of passengers on the one bus. It was hot, cramped, and took forever. Needless to say, I was super late for work! However, Mr Beak got stuck in the same traffic and arrived at school just after me, so it didn't turn out to be a problem at all. That was one loooong bus ride, though :(

It has snowed a couple more times today, but the ground cover is minimal. It has made walking outside a bit of a slippery process though - but I really love the snow! As long as my bus get to work on time.

My 'write a letter to Santa' competition finished today, and I have maybe 9 letters from students... all very cute. I'll put some photos up. One girl wants Santa to help her become a police officer by giving her 'passion and tenacity' for Christmas, one girl would like makeup, another would like an i-pad and a new camera, while some of the others tell Santa he is handsome and that they love him. Because so few students wrote letters, I'm going to give them all prizes. I did a bit of shopping at Daiso (like the $1 shop) and got a whole lot of really cute stuff - stickers, note books, hair ties, etc (all the letter writers are girls), and all for a dollar each! I had a lot of fun picking all the stuff out. For myself I couldn't resist some black cotton buds... white cotton buds are so last year, and so un-sexy. How to make ear cleaning sexy? Make the cotton buds black! Wooo! Um, yeah.

*      *     *
Oh, I just got given a ton more letters! I have about 26 now! And I want to give them all something... Oh no! I am totally turning into a 'give them all a prize just for showing up' teacher! But I know they worked on it when they didn't have to, and some of them are so sweet. One girl wants a warm jacket for Christmas, while another would like a 3D computer and the power to be invisible. I'm going to buy a big bag of sweets to give out, and give bigger prizes to the kids who really did well :)

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