Sunday, December 11, 2011

New Bank Account Sunday

So, I spent the remainder of yesterday messing around at home before going out to meet Jen and Courtney for dinner in Suwon. Courtney took us to a very cheap Korean BBQ place, and as she promised, it was great! The selection of meat, side dishes, and other food was impressive, and it was all pretty tasty. Here's a couple of photos:

Look at all that food!

Mmmm, meat.

Courtney to the left, Jen to the right.

Jen and I were quite tired, so we came back to Osan after dinner, and I went to bed :)

By this morning, all the snow was gone, but that's ok. I'm sure it'll be back! I went to Pyeongtaek this morning, to go to the KEB bank branch there (one of the few that's open Sundays) to get a special account that'll let me send money quickly and easily bank to my account in NZ. On the way to Pyeongtaek I met a nice older couple of Americans on the train, and we chatted about China, and big commercial English schools.

When I got to Pyeongtaek I was surprised! It was much bigger than I was expecting, and really flash (well, that area I was in directly around the station certainly was). I found the bank no worries, and opened my account with no hassles at all. The lady said it should be up and running by tomorrow, so I'll do a small test transfer on Tuesday, and then my saving should be up and running!

After the bank I popped into the Baskin Robbins across the street for my weekly taste test. I went for one of the stranger names flavours: Snow Cheese Chocolate. The label had a picture of snow, swiss cheese, and chocolate. I was apprehensive, to say the least! It turns out that by 'cheese', they meant a mascapone tart kind of flavour. It tasted a lot like tiramisu without the coffee.

So, I sat in front of the train station eating my ice-cream, and got Johova's Witnessed, but I was polite and firm, and got away with only some nice conversation and no booklets :)

Then, back in Osan I did my grocery shopping, which included a 1kg jar of lemon honey tea, and some slippers. The slippers were only $3! What a bargain.

Now, I'm all ready to start teaching Christmas lessons tomorrow. Hopefully it all goes well. I'm scared that even with all the prep time I've had that I've forgotten some key lesson component and will totally bomb some class :s

Wish me luck!

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