Saturday, December 10, 2011

More snow Saturday

I went out last night to Suwon with Courtney, Jen, and a new girl from Jen's work - Nayasha from England. Both bars we went to were fairly quiet, but we had a good time, just hanging out and laughing. Also, it was lovely and warm inside, which was very important because it was so so so cold yesterday! I got home around 3am, but then didn't get to sleep until about 4... which is super unusual for me ( as you will know if you know me AT ALL!).

Anywho, I woke up about 8 this morning, after only 4 hours sleep, and thought I'd take a quick shower, and then maybe get back into bed. Well, one look out my window and I'd chucked on my clothes, scrubbed my face and teeth, and was out the door. SNOW! On the ground! 

When I left my apartment, there wasn't a whole lot, but by the time I came home, maybe an hour and half later, there was more. It's all melted now, though, so I'm glad I went out when I did. 

I walked to the small park, where there were some other people out enjoying the snow. I was making a very small snowman, and was joined by a couple of little American kids who were with their mum. They helped me make him :) 

I got totally covered in snow, and it was awesome. I had turned my underfloor heating on before I left home, so I came back to a cosy apartment, and yummy lemon tea. Because I'm enjoying fiddling with video so much, I made another short clip of today's snow. I decided I'd better actually appear in a video for once, so I added a few lame shots of myself too :)

Now, I'm off for a nap, before going out tonight to a BBQ buffet restaurant.

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