Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Sore butt Tuesday

Yesterday Bekah and I, with baby Ollie along for the ride, set out for Metapolis shopping mall to visit 'Healing Da'. It's a massage place that had been recommended by Bekah's friend. I watched Ollie for an hour while Bekah had hers, then we switched.

Sexy massage outfit. Must have been size XXXXXXXXL.

Oh. My. God. So much pain. Like, struggle not to cry out kind of pain - especially in my hips, which the guys was jamming hip elbow into. I have bruising this morning and it hurts to touch. I'm not sure if it's because I was particularly tense and the pain would reduce with subsequent visits, or if it is always that bad. Needless to say, it was not the relaxing hour either of us had planned on!

Today, back at work for real this week. I had my first class and they were great. It always feels so good to get back into teaching. I also got a rough draft of a sample chapter for our reading book complete - though it was very rough.

Also, some great news! My article is FINALLY being published in November! What's more (I didn't know this) they are paying me for it! I don't know how much yet, as it depends how many pages of the magazine it takes up, but I should know later in the month. They said I can also have a subscription in lieu of payment, which I might do. I'll wait and see how much they pay first :) If it equals a subscription though, we're talking over $100. *happy dance*. Add to that, we've been told at work that if we get published we get a pay raise or a bonus, so mark me down for that too. All good things :)

The weather is suddenly cooling off - it's cool in the shade a chilly mornings and evenings. I've signed up to go hiking this weekend, out for a group Japanese dinner the next weekend, and some more hiking the weekend after that. Jay is so busy that I need to just get on with stuff and fit him in when he's free, otherwise I'll miss out on everything. I definitely want to make the most of the amazing autumn weather before horrid winter sets in. Fingers crossed for a solid three months of sunny glory.

Five things I'm grateful for today:
1) Unexpected good news

2) Budding friendships

3) Sunshine

4) My job

5) cucumber salad

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