Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pharyngitis Wednesday

So, another sub-par night's sleep and a sore/swollen feeling throat. I feel exhausted and foggy :( My desire and guilt at not going to the gym on Monday outweighed my sick feeling, so I went and got a pretty good workout in, considering. I'm not sure it was the smartest thing I've ever done, but I think it was ok. I didn't push myself, just did enough so I didn't feel like a lazy bum. Then, I made a snap decision to see the doctor before work. One great thing about Korea is that you can just walk into any of the many clinics you want to, and see a doctor with minimal wait time. And then, pay only about $4 for your visit and $3 for the medicine. Sadly, I picked wrong today and got a doctor with such a small amount of English I think I terrified him. He literally glanced down my throat, listened to my chest, and pronounced that I had pharyngitis within 60 seconds on me walking into his office.

Pharyngitis, google tells me, is just a fancy word for swollen, sore throat - probably caused by a virus. But, good old doctor no-English prescribes me antibiotics anyway. So, good thing it all cost me less than 10 bucks and only about 10 minutes because he didn't tell me anything I don't know and I wont be taking his medicine. I'll stick it out until the weekend and then visit a different doctor if I'm not seeing any improvement.

In other news, I made 'Philly cheese steak' capsicums for dinner. Yes, processed cheese is all I can afford in Korea :)

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