So, another weekend, done and dusted. Where does the time go? Here's a brief summary of what I did this weekend. I should have taken some photos - I promise to do better next weekend, I'm going on a temple trip to dig up sweet potatoes. Yeah, weird I know :)
Friday-Saturday: Saw Jay. Watched the movie 'Seeking a friend for the end of the world', cried pretty hard all over him. Hopefully didn't freak him out. He seemed ok. Note to self: don't watch movies about the end of the world, even if they do say they're comedies.
Saturday night: watched an excellent episode of 'Bones' while eating kumara oven fries.
Sunday: Went to Myeongdong with Amy. Ended up travelling all over Seoul and getting totally exhausted. Had some pretty nice Korean BBQ.
Monday: Had my follow up visit with the gyno. Amy came so we could go to the spa afterwards. We were talking quietly on the bus and the lady in front of us turned around and told us we basically weren't allowed to talk on the bus. She was really rude, and used quite an insulting Korean speech style (they have different levels of speech here), so I told her 'no' we won't stop talking. She got angry and kept saying 'shut up' in Korean, and I told her 'no' about 5 times. Eventually she turned around in a huff and we continued out conversation. THEN her phone rings and she answers it and proceeds to talk really loudly! We happily bitched about her for the rest of the journey.
Then, at the doctors clinic, I had to go wait in the hallway for my doctor and this young American couple had just found out they were unexpectedly pregnant. They were happy about it, and called the girl's sister (on speaker phone, in the hallway - WTF?). Lol, the sister was WAY less than impressed with this news and really upset the newly pregnant girl. It was horribly embarrassing to listen to. Man, if I ever tell anyone I'm pregnant, they better react with nothing but total joy (unless I start the sentence with 'I've got some bad news...').
Anyway, then lunch, then spa, then home. Now am very clean and sleepy. Also suffering from unexplained relationship anxiety. Don't like it.
Today's 5 things:
1) My doctor's visit was only $12.
2) Fluffy socks.
3) earplugs
4) Autumn sunshine
5) I got 10 stickers on my Gong-cha card, which means I got a free drink :)