Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Back in Korea Tuesday

Whew, what an amazing month I've had! Once again, this will not be a 'proper' update as I'm on the hostel computer, and I just can't write with my head in the right place in such a public space. Blog posts take a bit of time and work! Plus the computers are a tad crappy, I'd probably lose the post before I published it.

So, I have many, many pages of travel journal to covert to blog posts once I get back to Seoul and my laptop. I'm thinking of giving them their own page or something, while I continue with everyday life on this blog page. Not sure as yet.

Anyway, I am currently in Busan, South Korea, and have been for two days. The weather is simply amazing! I went to Haeundae beach today and hung out on the sand for a while, and it reminded me of home. It about the same temperature as a mild NZ summer day. I had a Baskin Robins 'New Oreleans Pecan Pie' flavoured icecream on the beach too... Wow, new favourite ice cream flavour! It had pecans bits, chocolate swirl, and biscuit bits. Yummy!

The thrill of constant travel is starting to wear off a bit, and I am starting to feel a bit disconnected from the world around me. Finding things to do outside of my room every second of every day is also taking it's toll. Just, if I stay inside I feel guilty for 'wasting my time' where ever I am. I've come down with a cold though, so I'm going to take the afternoon of sightseeing, read, surf the net, and maybe watch a crappy action movie on TV (If I can find one!).

If you're interested, I just read this article, which inspired me and made me feel a bit hopeful that once I get back to Seoul and settle down, I can make a go of it.

I've booked a KTX (Korea's fastest train, woooo) ticket to take me to Seoul tomorrow. I was going to stop somewhere else on the way and explore a bit, but I couldn't work up any enthusiasm. 

I need a nap!

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